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Monday 24 August 2020


                                              WELCOME READERS

  As I said that our next post will be based on something which we do daily in our life! I think you have guessed it, yep it is about sleep folks. 

We all sleep every night but we don't know how the mechanism works in our body and makes us refreshing to do our daily chores. In fact, the dreams which we see in our sleep also has some unsolved questions in it.

Let's see the topic,




       We can't sneeze while sleeping because the biological process does it when you awake. As far we know, it's not possible to do it while being unconscious. If your sneezed in your dream? It's intersting question right?? 



          You all know about Insomnia (probably lack of sleep), but do you know about Dysania? It is a state of having hard time to waking up in and getting out of the bed in the morning. This one is really hard to find out since most of us seemed to be dysaniac but the definition of dysania is literally cruel you won't have the idea to do work since you won't want to leave the bed.




            Humans can delay their sleep and postpone it according to their mental ability and sense, but animals can't delay it. It's a super-power you know. It is a biological adjustment by your mind and body. Don't forget you can only postpone but not reject or deny.




 The idea of google pattern was invented in dream. Dreams are the one which invented many ideas and google is one of it. Really, a dream company for the creator. Dreams come true!



       The combo of sleep and exercise will help you grow and build your bones and muscles. One of our most important factor for our growth is HGH(Human Growth Hormone) and that HGH is secreted when we sleep. Want to increase your height?

 Eat! Sleep! Conquer your height!



       According to 2018 Relaxation Report 51% (half of the world) people are  getting less sleep than they need. due to more information collection by our mind by the result of using electronic and smart enough gadgets it affects us indirecty.



              I think you may have known this fact, but knowing it again is just a reminder right! Sea otters hold their hands while they sleep, isn't that so emotional? A good companion for your sleep and emotional stabilization.



           Human beings has the ability to sleep with eyes open. According to one estimate 1.4% of population has this ability & this kind of sleep which has some side effects too. Want to try? Really a good one to try!



          REM sleep is a unique phase of sleep in mammals and birds. It is a phase of sleep which is believed to benefit learning,memory and mood. It is also thought that develops the brain development in infants.



         The highest Record of without sleep is 11 days. yep, for 11 days the participant was awake without sleeping. Do not try this at home, school anywhere in the world! It will affect you both menatlly and physically. Sleep is really important to every living being.

                         STAY TUNED!

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Want a Clue?😎

It is about something kind of report about limit-crossers who were the threateners of the society and government.