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Wednesday 14 July 2021


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  This world with different people speaking different languages following different traditions by their different heritage events and doing it to protect their culture and spreading the culture to their next generations. The supportive part is it maintains the community and bonds are strengthened within the community by doing it.

You may ask me " Are you supporting your culture?"

Definitely yes!!

But the problem is there are limits to everything in the world, it may be created by our own restrictionpedia which is my own experience and some are shown as legal and ethical where you cross certain fields it is considered to e unethical and illegal. In that point of view, I'm sensing some rituals which are even happening in many parts of the world are WEIRD to me!

Don't worry, I'll tell you the reason too! 

Let's get into the topic,



    If you're invited to dinner with an Egyptian family be aware of taking the saltshaker or asking salt to the food they provided to you. Because according to their tradition it is considered to be an insult to the host. Don't ask for salt. That's it. Unless it is South India, the pal!! You can start a rally against it here!!


     Polterabend is a german tradition where bride and groom are invited with their family members and friends to the food party which took place on the night before the wedding day. The main event is after eating the food and traditional drinks things get really complicated for the brides. 
The family members and friends break the porcelain plates and table wears which is to be cleaned by the bride and groom which is used to teach them the life lesson on working together in difficult situations.


    This tradition is a pure funny one. Where the group of adults and people gather at a place and throw tomatoes at each other. This is followed in Spain in the month of August. Though many theories are whirling around about the origin of the tomato fight yet these fights continue with fun mode.


    It is observed as a remembrance by the Shia Islams around the world. It is ten-day mourning which is due to the anniversary of the battle where the Prophet's grandson was killed. In order to express it the men whip their bodies with chains and blades. In their state they don't feel any pain according to the religious trance, intensive fasting also takes place in it.


    Tidong tribe from northern bourne has this weird ritual where after the marriage the bride and groom are not allowed to use the bathroom for three days. Yep, no urinating, bathing, and defecating. They believe that this leads to living a happy married life. The family members will maintain it by giving a small amount of food during the ban period.


    In the southern part of India, this ritual is followed where the puberty attained girl will be isolated for 5 to 16 days in a separate room or tent where a mat is alone provided. After that, she will be treated with Vitamin E enriched foods which are to strengthen the uterus wall. This tradition is used to inform the relatives that their family has a girl who has the ability to get married. And also mainly the girl's mind is registered with a thought " The body becomes impure during the periods and restrictions are applied with untouchability on those days".
FREE ADVICE: Belief in Science more than parental thoughts. Just ask them to prove with scientific data provided by a scientist to prove their statement!!


      Dani tribe, Indonesia has this weird ritual where a family member is dead in a family the women in their family must experience physical grief apart from emotional grief. The physical grief is done by cutting their fingers which avoids them from the ghost and satisfies ancestral ghosts. No men are allowed to cut their fingers in this process.


    You may get shocked what? Throwing the baby is a ritual? Yep. In Karnataka, India it is a 500-year-old tradition where the baby is taken and thrown from a height of 50 ft whereas the family members will be down with a cloth to get the child. It s believed that good luck is been carried from above by the baby. 


   When a member of the group dies they incinerate the body and the ash with bones ad powder are then collected by the people and added with plantain and made into soup. The soup is then given to the group members to eat. This way the dead live long with their loved ones since they consumed the soup. Also, the dead body should not be decayed according to their tradition which makes the dead people feel bad. 

#01. FGM

    Do you know what is this FGM?  It is Female Genital Mutilation. Over 200 million women and girls in 27 different countries have undergone this ritual which is done in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and within these areas. They include removal of the clitoral hood, labia, and vulva, and infibulation another procedure where a small hole is left for urinating and menstrual fluid and the remaining area are stitched. This ritual is originated because of gender equality, which is done as an attempt to control the sexuality of women. 


Though many of the rituals are performed to protect the community culture and strengthen the bond some are truly idiotic in nature. Mainly in the hardest rituals among all the ones females are affected more than men. Following this kind of weird ritual is like sitting and watching an alien language movie which is of no subtitles and you don't understand the language, But yet you watch it because you're inside the theatre. 
Really Annoying!!  

Development via devices is not a development actually. Development via understanding the current needs and studying the environment you live in and adapt the culture of yours towards it will be a wise decision. I think.

Finally, One Question


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