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Tuesday 10 August 2021


August 10, 2021 0 Comments
                                                         WELCOME READERS

Sports and exercise keeps an individual physically fit and boosts him to fit socially among others easily. However they have a vast curriculum based system for each and every sport human created and packed based on the ability with guidelines.

These sports are conducted regional, intra based and also inter based levels.
Among the famous athletics event the precious one is OLYMPICS which is an international level of athletic event conducted once in every 4 years.

This year the Olympics is ongoing in Tokyo!!

Guess what we planned to give you unknown facts about the Olympics event and the history too.


 The Olympics created idea because of a soldier  named Pheidippides who ran from marathon to Athens which is approx 25 kilometres to inform about the outcome of the war result held between Persian and Athens. Because of that specific info where Athenians won the war and he died after telling the information. In the remembrance of this event the Athena created a sport event where it named as Marathon exactly the same distance the soldier ran to inform was let to be the target.

This event then improved lately in the late 18th century. Olympics is then added with innovative ideas, Games, Business ideas etc...




     Initially, on the first great Olympics only men were allowed to participate in the event which was held on 1896. Later on 1900 women were also allowed to participate which was the Second Olympics event.
But only from 2012 Olympics every country had their women participants. Nearly a century took place to make women equal pawn in sports as men. 



     Did you ever heard about the real pigeons were killed on Olympics event?
In the 1900 Olympics event Pigeons used as shooting material and 300 flock of birds revealed to the shooters and guess what Belgium Leon de Lunden was the winner who shot 21 birds among 300. This event was rejected after the Paris Olympics.



     This was really not a unknown fact but very important one The motto of the Great Olympics which builds strength and sets the limits to the participants and the will to fight and win the competition.

 Motto : Citius,  Altius, Fortis which means (Swifter, Higher,  Stronger) 



     The real Olympic flag consists of 5 colors in it. blue, yellow, black, green & red. The rings hold these colors because the committee decides the common colors of the whole country flags must be symbolised in it. However these five colors are most used colors in the country flags. It came quite handy.  



The ancient Olympics event was believed that the flame was burned from the start to end of the event. From 1928, Amsterdam Olympics the Olympic torch event takes place in every Olympic where the players run a relay and the torch been carried and passed to every runners and then finally the flame created which is then kept burning until the end of the event. It also stands for purity and other meaning too.



The medals received by the winners is not really Full Gold. Gold medal it is 92.5 % silver with 6 grams of gold. The full gold medal were given until 1912 Olympics. And so it is the last year for the gold medal.



The Olympic event was postponed only in a criticalsituations. Recently 2020 Olympics postponed and been held in 2021 in Tokyo. It is because of Covid outbreak. Before that, only war was the reason! 1916 WWI and 1940 and 1944 WWII.



This year Olympics is the first Olympic event where the medals are been created by old appliances and electronic device wastes. The first time recycled materials used in an Olympic event is 2020 TOKYO Olympics event.



Actually the Olympic event which was held during the 700 BC period had only one event which was running called as STAD which means 600 yards. This word stad brought the idea to name the location of the place where the event takes place as STADIUM.
Now you know the word stadium was originated because of the olympic event.



In 1936 Olympics Pole vault game Bill Sefton from America won the gold, but the second place was tied between Japanese athlets Shuhei Nishida and Sueo Oe. They were set to a tie breaker round which would have determined the second and third place. But instead they refused it and done a Sportsmanship and friendship arising event where they accepted to share the medals by cutting and merging half silver and bronze. Still now it is a resemblance of sportsmanship act with friendship.

Japan's Waseda University has it today too.

Hope, these facts may be a new one to you!!
Watch Olympics and support your favourite country and player!

                                                          STAY SAFE!

                                                          STAY SMART! 

Friday 23 July 2021


July 23, 2021 0 Comments

                                                                              WELCOME READERS

Did you hear the pegasus software issue which was revealed by The Wire website?

If yes, what do you feel about the privacy you imagine in this country?

If no, this article will make you understand the depth of the issue. We use smart devices, and gadgets that easily connect us with the whole world connecting place known as "The Internet".

Where there is a connection, there arrives a problem too. I mean you're acting on the net is stored as data which is vulnerable.

A similar scenario was the one with Pegasus.

Let's get into the topic,




   This week The wire and other major news articles and journalist papers wrote about the spyware known as Pegasus, which has been used by the government and is used to keep tabs on nearly 300 users which include politicians, Ambedkarites, and journalists. HT released the snooping list where the members under surveillance are mentioned.

This pegasus software is software created by NSO group which is an Israeli firm and this made newspaper editorials write about it and asked for the answer from the government.

The NSO group reported that their clients were only vetted governments, government-based agencies, and the military.

2.GOI'S ANSWER (Government Of India)

   The GOI denied all these allegations of the surveillance which was mentioned illegally. Although they said they do have some interceptions which were under the law and due process. 

HT stated in its article that "If the ruling government has done this spyware attack it is really against democracy and if it's done by opposition party it is considered to be a big cyber attack". It also mentioned there are three employees on the snoop list.

However, We people need the proper statement and answer for this spyware issue.    


    It sends you to exploit link on your device which make users tempt to click the link, if they clicked the link the pegasus software automatically installs in their device and track their SMS details, access camera and in short, it can control your whole mobile phone and monitor without ease. It's a normal phishing process.


     Amazon Web Services a cloud storage providing company has shut down their services to NSO group because they had a report that their cloud servers were used for saving the snooping activities. This report was given by Amnesty Security Lab.



   This Pegasus software is legal spyware but the cost to spy on an individual is a lot. According to a report filed in 2016, it states nearly 3.5 crores to spy on one individual.


Our identity is so important and all of us have certain privacy levels that should remain private. But all the data are really gaining more value in this current technology updated world.
So, It's our main responsibility to save our data and also adapt ourselves towards the developing country.

                                     BE SAFE!    STAY SAFE!   SURF SAFE! 

Wednesday 14 July 2021


July 14, 2021 0 Comments

                                                                         WELCOME READERS

  This world with different people speaking different languages following different traditions by their different heritage events and doing it to protect their culture and spreading the culture to their next generations. The supportive part is it maintains the community and bonds are strengthened within the community by doing it.

You may ask me " Are you supporting your culture?"

Definitely yes!!

But the problem is there are limits to everything in the world, it may be created by our own restrictionpedia which is my own experience and some are shown as legal and ethical where you cross certain fields it is considered to e unethical and illegal. In that point of view, I'm sensing some rituals which are even happening in many parts of the world are WEIRD to me!

Don't worry, I'll tell you the reason too! 

Let's get into the topic,



    If you're invited to dinner with an Egyptian family be aware of taking the saltshaker or asking salt to the food they provided to you. Because according to their tradition it is considered to be an insult to the host. Don't ask for salt. That's it. Unless it is South India, the pal!! You can start a rally against it here!!


     Polterabend is a german tradition where bride and groom are invited with their family members and friends to the food party which took place on the night before the wedding day. The main event is after eating the food and traditional drinks things get really complicated for the brides. 
The family members and friends break the porcelain plates and table wears which is to be cleaned by the bride and groom which is used to teach them the life lesson on working together in difficult situations.


    This tradition is a pure funny one. Where the group of adults and people gather at a place and throw tomatoes at each other. This is followed in Spain in the month of August. Though many theories are whirling around about the origin of the tomato fight yet these fights continue with fun mode.


    It is observed as a remembrance by the Shia Islams around the world. It is ten-day mourning which is due to the anniversary of the battle where the Prophet's grandson was killed. In order to express it the men whip their bodies with chains and blades. In their state they don't feel any pain according to the religious trance, intensive fasting also takes place in it.


    Tidong tribe from northern bourne has this weird ritual where after the marriage the bride and groom are not allowed to use the bathroom for three days. Yep, no urinating, bathing, and defecating. They believe that this leads to living a happy married life. The family members will maintain it by giving a small amount of food during the ban period.


    In the southern part of India, this ritual is followed where the puberty attained girl will be isolated for 5 to 16 days in a separate room or tent where a mat is alone provided. After that, she will be treated with Vitamin E enriched foods which are to strengthen the uterus wall. This tradition is used to inform the relatives that their family has a girl who has the ability to get married. And also mainly the girl's mind is registered with a thought " The body becomes impure during the periods and restrictions are applied with untouchability on those days".
FREE ADVICE: Belief in Science more than parental thoughts. Just ask them to prove with scientific data provided by a scientist to prove their statement!!


      Dani tribe, Indonesia has this weird ritual where a family member is dead in a family the women in their family must experience physical grief apart from emotional grief. The physical grief is done by cutting their fingers which avoids them from the ghost and satisfies ancestral ghosts. No men are allowed to cut their fingers in this process.


    You may get shocked what? Throwing the baby is a ritual? Yep. In Karnataka, India it is a 500-year-old tradition where the baby is taken and thrown from a height of 50 ft whereas the family members will be down with a cloth to get the child. It s believed that good luck is been carried from above by the baby. 


   When a member of the group dies they incinerate the body and the ash with bones ad powder are then collected by the people and added with plantain and made into soup. The soup is then given to the group members to eat. This way the dead live long with their loved ones since they consumed the soup. Also, the dead body should not be decayed according to their tradition which makes the dead people feel bad. 

#01. FGM

    Do you know what is this FGM?  It is Female Genital Mutilation. Over 200 million women and girls in 27 different countries have undergone this ritual which is done in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and within these areas. They include removal of the clitoral hood, labia, and vulva, and infibulation another procedure where a small hole is left for urinating and menstrual fluid and the remaining area are stitched. This ritual is originated because of gender equality, which is done as an attempt to control the sexuality of women. 


Though many of the rituals are performed to protect the community culture and strengthen the bond some are truly idiotic in nature. Mainly in the hardest rituals among all the ones females are affected more than men. Following this kind of weird ritual is like sitting and watching an alien language movie which is of no subtitles and you don't understand the language, But yet you watch it because you're inside the theatre. 
Really Annoying!!  

Development via devices is not a development actually. Development via understanding the current needs and studying the environment you live in and adapt the culture of yours towards it will be a wise decision. I think.

Finally, One Question


We are #TwoBloggers

Friday 9 July 2021


July 09, 2021 0 Comments
                    WELCOME READERS

 Hope all of you are safe and worrying about others' problems!
Here we have a new article for you it is about personal development and self-management and also related to Intellectual stuff. 
We are living in a maze and world of facts where each and everything you see, you feel, and live by certain rules are created by someone/group. 
For example, Think about Shirt and Pant we wear as our costumes before society. Do you really think to wear that type of thing before society?
Definitely not!

It's been practiced that everyone should wear certain types of cloth with a peculiar and similar design.

You may ask " What are you saying? We should be Naked like our ancestors or what?"

Nope. That's not the point, What I a trying to tell is We are living in a world like lookalikes where each and everyone admires each other and trying to be each other in every possible thing.

To maintain among this society we not only need that to compete, but also we need to know ourselves first.

Let's get into the topic,


01. Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?

02. What are your hobbies really?

03. Can you control your anger in a serious situation?

04. What is your favorite movie and why it is your favorite?

05. How would your friends describe you? (Your thought)

06. From your whole life Which one memory you will choose as your best moment and why?

07. What's your strength and strongest zone?

08. Which book inspired you the most?

09. What's your biggest fear?

10. If you can change something about yourself what it would be?




     You want to know yourself in terms of personality. An introvert is a type of personality where an individual being enjoyed isolation and be closed to only a few people. In short terms, he lives in his own way and explores alone.

An extrovert is just a vice-versa of an introvert where this type of individual enjoys exploring the world with a lot of people and hates loneliness.


     You know about hobbies, right. We all have filled a form which says about yourself and it's just a basic analysis of ourselves in our school days. You may also write this in your resume. Anyway, in this case, the thing which we do and spend our life apart from the main schedule and certain things which you should do to survive.


     That question about your anger is very important to you. Since it is your weapon which is like a double-sided Knife along with acid.
Nice example, Because this will be a great weapon and defense for you at the same time it is dangerous as it sounds defense equally. Imagine yourself in combat with this weapon you have a possibility to hurt yourself too.


     You need an explanation for that question? I don't think so. This one will tell your inner core personality which is attracted to you and the depths of the thing by your answer for why?
So, evaluate yourself with that answer!


      This question may seem like it is to judge your friends by yourself. But, it's totally not.
This question will tell your perception about your own friends which you have about them.
Initially, you are trapped in your own circle of waves buddy. This will tell your friendship level or the amount of trust you have in your friends.


     Your life you have had lived a certain amount of year and experienced all kind of emotions Think so.
Apart from all those years which one past moment will you tell us your favorite and the reason for it.
What kind of thing has an impact on you can be judged by this answer!


     This question is about the trust you have in yourself. What you believe as a strength and strong zone about yourself? The strong zone which you think as yours is your strength and revealing it to others may be a vulnerability to you.
Just try to improve or stabilize that strong zone of yours so that it can remain your strong zone.


     This question is really important. Your favorite book among the books you read, The book reading habit will ensure your thoughts and magnetize your actions with the inspiration you got from the books.
If you're not a book reader, just read some books man!!


     You must know about your fear if you not! It may arise and you may speculate it in a bad condition of time. Just believe in your conscience and think of it. Which made you fear a lot?
All of us fear certain things or scenarios.


     This question may reveal your weakness because most of them try to get rid of the fear or weakness part. But read the question clearly. This question is about your mindset which tricks you to answer what you want to change but you couldn't in real-time. It is just a reminder to yourself about what you should change now.

Hope. Everyone enjoyed and had a fun time by reading this post.

                                                                 STAY SAFE
                                                              SPREAD JOY! 


 We are #Two bloggers